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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New content patch looming for the ptrs

Hello all,

Well looks like blizzard is getting ready to go live on their public test realms with the new content patch.After only 3 months of the latest expansion pack being out blizzard is putting new content into the game and possibly fixing some things that have been making the rank and file hardcore raiders lay awake at night mumbling to themselves. While most will agree that WoTLK (Wrath of the Litch King) was a great success and a very well rounded expansion pack it did leave some of the more hardcore wanting more. Lets look at why this is shall we? In vanilla WoW and The Burning Crusade the end game content was very hard and was only doable for true raiding guilds, What that meant to the casual gamer and smaller friends guilds was, you could not do end game content, but you had a lot of options to keep you occupied for the most part. Pvp was more active and interesting in my opinion, but that changed with the latest expasion pack, the first true encounter in PvE was Naxxaramas(also known as Naxx),the 10 man version was being pugged pretty quickly( pug is a pick up group,in other words you could get 10 people that you didn't know and go do this) the 25 man version of Naxx was a little harder and took a month longer to get to were pugs could do it. Now casual gamers were ecstatic about being able to finally get to do end game content so quickly after hitting the level cap( which is now level 80) but this left the hardcore sect thinking that Blizzard forgot about them. Blizzard did in fact say they were moving toward this with this release but the next content patch was all about the hardcore guilds. Well it looks like it is getting closer to reality this week, all the big guilds are waiting to test the content out to see if it lives up to the hype. Now for the record my wife and I belong to a friends guild, we don't see much end game content so this will probably be one of those things that if we don't have friends in big guilds then we wont see much of the content,but I am ok with this, since we aren't considered true hardcore raiders(all though my wife may disagree that i am not hardcore lol) My personal belief is with the amount of time that a true hardcore raider puts in getting his stats just right i think it is only fair that Blizzard throw them a bone. Now on the other side of this patch is supposed to be some class fixes, as i posted earlier my favorite is the warrior class so i will cover what i know and have read for that. In this patch is a supposed fix for the arms spec which again as i posted earlier is my preferred spec, one thing that Blizzard has postedt it is looking to fix is the amount of damage that the arms spec does, in the recent past Blizzard has cut a lot of the damage the arms warrior does, buy reducing some of the major attacks they use. I have to admit that i haven't to this point read anything about them fixing the ability of the arms spec to be viable in PvP again but we can only hope. One of the things that i read was they are thinking of doing is increasing the damage from the "slam" ability, While this would be a great asset in a raid situatio, but doesn't do a thing for the PvP aspect of the game and like it or not arms spec is the preferred spec for PvP. The reason slam wont help in PvP is that you have to stand still,and trust me most players wont stand still while you pull a slam on them! I personally would like to see them increase damage on a few other abilities such as, mortal strike and execute since they are two of our main hits that do some burst damage. I very much would like some hardcore raid dps warriors and PvP warriors to post some reply's about what they think about the upcoming content patch and their play style and rotations, I am always up for learning new and better ways of playing my class!

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