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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dusty ole mage

Well its been awhile since i have posted but i have dusted my mage off after a long hieatis.
My mage is a level 71 gnome on the alliance side that i used to raid alot with in BC and pre-bc.
I started out as a frost mage in pre-bc and then after i hit the level cap in BC i went to arcane, it was a lot of fun then. Well i am now trying a arcane fire spec that is really working out well for as a leveling mage, will have to let you know how it works out when i hit the level cap in WoTLK.


I was just reading about the new patch updates coming soon for the warriors and it seems that someone at Blizzard headquaters has finally heard our pleas for help.


It seems that someone at Blizzard finally had to go against a ret pally, about time, 22000 damage in less than 5 seconds is a really hard pill to swallow so they have given us a "bubble popper" no more beat ya silly bubble heal finish you off, bubble and a warrior can now pop it so the pally has to finish fighting.


Blizzard has also heard our pleas for a in combat charge that will help alot! couple thi with the damage increases and we should be a viable class again as a arms warrior. I am not putting to much stock in Blizzard at this point since they have forgotten what the game used to be fun on many different scales. But i am hoping that dont do anything more to make classes so overpowered that every 14 year old out there rolls it and face rolls you to death with it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Noobs view of Linux

Hello all,
I just installed a new Linux distro call Ubuntu, 4 days ago and am ready to give some in site into it.
Ubuntus version of Linux has been gathering my attention for over a year now,my knowledge of Linux is minimum at most. In the past i have tried Mandrake 9.1 and Suse 8.0,while Suse was my favorite to try and learn of the two. Well 4 days ago i decided to give it another try,installed a second hdd into my system for the new os and off i went. The installation was a breeze, as easy as windows or maybe even a little easier, Ubuntu 8.10 is a very easy distro to install,it walks you through the whole process. Fifteen minutes later I was done and ready to start playing! Now in the past i always had a very hard time getting online and decent video out of any Linux distro cause of the way you had to know the CLI (command line interface),which i am still very low in knowledge of. Ubuntu recognized my hardware immediately. I thought hmm they have come along way, then i tried to install my nvidia video drivers which i was never able to accomplish in Suse 8.0,well let me tell you it not only found them for me it installed them correctly! I have to admit that the ease of use on this distro has me reconsidering the thought of Linux as a secondary os to just "play with" as i have been able to do almost everything in Ubuntu that i can do in Windows. With a little more education and finding the ability to play my games and i may just move to Ubuntu as my main os! I am really enjoying this version of Ubuntu,the ease of use and installation combined with the better compatibility has made this a truly enjoyable experience. Ubuntu can be downloaded for free at this link.
